Hey there, I’m Chris O’Brien.
I’m an actor, writer, and live event host in Los Angeles!
Born and raised in Rhode Island, I am an actor currently living in Los Angeles, CA. I star in the horror film, Found Footage 3D, a hit at festivals all over the world and now streaming on AMC’s Shudder, as Mark, a thoughtful filmmaker caught up in some sinister and possibly supernatural events. I also appeared as Lester Goree on the FOX series, Rosewood, I’ve been in multiple national commercials, and I host live pub-quiz style trivia games around DTLA!
In addition to work in Film and TV, I’m well known for my work in New Media, recently as Kip on Bunkheads, now streaming on Amazon Prime. I also played much loved and hated nerdy villain Ewan McBay on Classic Alice and the sweet, but not too bright Kyle in the Pet Collective’s Barely Pet Parents.
I am also the lead of Ride With Me as the hapless rideshare driver, John. Ride With Me is now streaming Season 1 and reviews have been overwhelmingly positive.
Commercially, I have appeared in a nationally airing Xfinity spot, a national Sprint spot, and I work pretty regularly in commercials, so look out for me on your TV as I show off my ability to make ad jargon sound like something human beings might actually say!
I’m also known around Southern California as a “Helpful Honda Guy” from the Random Acts of Helpfulness series of Honda TV spots, including a wildly popular spot that aired during the 2016 Super Bowl!
No romantic partner has ever looked at me the way I looked at this breakfast sandwich.
From a National Dunkin’ Donuts spot.
I am an actor with two decades of experience, working in TV, film, new media, and live on stage.
With a self-aware sense of humor balanced by emotional depth, I have an ability to find the humor hidden in drama and the vulnerability behind comedy that has allowed me to land roles in every genre on every media platform.
I’m excited to work with you next! Take a look around the site and have a great day!